Why design for churches?

It might seem frivolous. What do carpet and paint colors have to do with the gospel? You’ve got real work to do. Lost people need Jesus. Marriages need healing. Kids need mentors. Addicts need recovery. Sinners need forgiveness. But all of those things happen in a place. A lot of it may not happen in your building, and if you’re living on mission and making disciples, a lot of it will happen elsewhere. But you have a space for a reason. For gathering. For worshipping. For serving. For hosting and holding space and casting vision and coming together and teaching. And doesn’t it make sense that you would do your best to make sure that you’ve set the stage as best you can for those things to happen effectively in that space?

I also happen to believe that how our spaces look and feel matters. A pastor friend once remarked that beauty is a powerful communicator of worth, and I couldn’t agree more. We adorn the things we love. And what a powerful way to communicate the value of our coming together, and the value of those who gather. When we take care to make our spaces functional and beautiful and welcoming, we tell everyone who enters that this is a special place to be, and that it matters what happens here.

So yes, carpet and paint colors can communicate gospel truth. You are seen and known. You are loved. Sacrifice was made for you to be here. And you are greeted with open arms. Welcome home.


10 Things About Me


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