10 Things About Me


If you’ve landed on my About Me page, you already know that I’m a ministry veteran who’s passionate about creating spaces, nailing the details and creating win-win solutions. But maybe you want to know a little bit more about Abby, the person. So, here are some things that make me who I am.

  1. I’ve been in ministry my whole life. My dad is a pastor (retired, but still rocking the global pastoral mentorship thing), my mom was a children’s minister, my 3 brothers are all pastors, I’m married to a senior pastor, and I’ve done a couple of stretches as a Children’s Minister over the years. You might say it’s the family business.

  2. I have two art degrees. My undergraduate degree is in Church Music, and my graduate degree is in Design. I attended Ozark Christian College and Cincinnati Christian University for undergrad, and Virginia Commonwealth University for grad school.

  3. I grew up in southern California and have a slight obsession with cilantro, lime, and avocado as a result.

  4. I love children’s literature and picture books. Bookstores are my happy place and I can’t pass a Little Free Library without taking a peek. If I tried to list my favorites, I’d be here for hours. But I do love Jon Scieszka, Jon Klassen, A.A. Milne, Sandra Boynton, and Patricia MacLachlan to name a few.

  5. I grew up in the ‘burbs, have lived in the city (currently in Richmond, Virginia) most of my adult life, and hope to have a place in the country one day. I love city living- the parks, restaurants, art, music, and walkable neighborhoods are amazing- but I long for wide open spaces one day!

  6. It took me solidly 30 years to learn how to dress properly for winter (see #3)

  7. I have three teenaged sons and they are Always. Hungry. Also, they’re kind, smart, funny humans and are basically my favorite people to hang out with. I’m sure they feel the same about me ;)

  8. We homeschooled our boys through elementary school, which was amazing and wonderful except for when it was difficult and lonely. They now attend a hybrid school two and a half days per week and it’s working out pretty great. I wouldn’t trade any of it, though. We’re pretty tight and I love that I’ve had so much time with them. It’s precious and I know it won’t last.

  9. We have an NBA superstar in the family. Like, for real. I’ve never met him, but still. My kids think it’s pretty awesome, ‘cause they love basketball, and they like to think they’ve inherited his genes :)

  10. If I could only watch one TV/movie channel for the rest of my life, it’d be PBS. Give me Rick Steve’s, Ken Burns, and Masterpiece on repeat and I’m a happy girl.


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